Katana originally no-signature

Blade length 71.3cm, thickness at the base 7mm, width 3.0cm

This is a Katana with ordinary quality. It seems from 15-16th century. It looks just a weapon in battle field. But it is still interesting to study what actual weapon in 15-16th century was.

Steel is not very fine, rather rough. Some part has compact layer, and some part has coarse layer. The steel is not well forged. Probably it was OK to use as weapon.

Hamon also is not well tempered. Some part is bright, and some part is dim. Probably because of the discrepancy of steel quality. But the hamon is still healthy all through the blade. Especially, the upper half of it is bright enough. So, it is good as weapon.

Polishing work is the modern style (Hadori style).

Tang is not shaped carefully.

The whole character of this blade suggests the quality of simple weapon in 15-16th century. But still it is interesting to study it, though it is not a masterpiece.

Habaki is gilt and silver foiled double. It is a little bit damaged, but still has perfect fit with the blade.

Mount seems from 17-18th century. It is also interesting to see what ordinary mount from that period was.

Unfortunately, it was horribly repaired by amateur hand. And the tsuba was missing.

Mount repaired
We chose a tsuba what may match the whole taste of the mount, and fixed the whole mount keeping its original parts as much as possible.

Tsuba and seppa


It has some damage, but we left it as it is. Menuki is good. It is made of shakudo (black copper). And its motif looks bamboo and hornet, but we don't know the meaning of it.


Shirasaya and bag

Koshirae and bag

I recommend this to persons who want to feel warriors in your hand.

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