Katana O'suriage
Blade length 71.0cm, thickness at the base7 mm, width 3.2cm
This is a katana blade without signature, because of the shortening work.
It might be a long tachi blade in its original. And it was so much shortened
that the original tang was cut off.
Steel is fine, and it has a wood grain layer pattern.
Hamon is made of small particles (ko-nie) and large particles (nie). It
is bright. Its pattern is straight outline and many activities in it. What
is more, the hamon turns back in kissaki and runs along the back toward
the tang. Utsuri also appears clearly. It is not Osafune style, but Rai
style. It appears like clouds (so-called "nie-utsuri").
Polishing work is fresh and excellent, done by a polisher who ranked to
"Mukansa" by NBTHK.
Habaki is silver.
Shirasaya and bag
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper is added.
They attribute it to "Echizen Rai" what means descendants of Rai school in Echizen province. Rai school was formed by smiths in Kyoto, and some of them moved to Echizen province in 14th century. They are called "Echizen Rai". The head of the school is "Kuniyasu". Of course, it includes some smiths and generations.