Sword4 available soon
Wakizashi "Mihara Masamune" with the hamon re-hardened

Blade length 42.2cm, thickness at the base 7mm, width 2.8cm

This is a wakizashi blade made by Masamune in Mihara, Bingo province, 15 or 16th century. But, the hamon was re-hardened by our smith.
When we found it in Europe it had no hamon. Probably it had got a fire accident in the past. Then, we decided to rescue it with new hamon.

Steel has a wood grain layer pattern.

Hamon is made of large particles. Its pattern is straight as many Mihara blades have. The temper line (particle band) is bright enough.

Polishing is sashikomi style (the classical style). It is very honest work without acid. So, you can study all the activities in the blade clearly.

Signature "Mihara Masamune saku". It means "made by Mihara Masamune".

The smith "Mihara Masamune" includes several generations ranging from 14th century to 16th century. It is difficult to distinguish each generations, but this Masamune looks about 15-16th century.

Habaki is silver, newly made of course. It is Kawagoe style. Kawagoe is a city in Saitama prefecture. This style of habaki was popular in the Kawagoe clan Edo period.

Description on the scabbard says "Mihara Masamune saku, tadashi saiha. Kodaira-kokaji kore wo niragu", means "made by Mihara Masamune. However, re-hardened hamon. smith in Kodaira re-hardened this".

It got an NBTHK paper of Hozon-token.

This sword has traveled in the US for some years. And now, returning to Japan. It is waiting for the registration at the educational office in Saitama prefecture. It will become available on March 11th.

250,000.yen (consignment)

Ruin of Mihara-jo castle and Mihara city today in Hiroshima prefectue.

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