Katana, O'suriage

Blade length 71.3cm, thickness at the base 7mm, width 2.7cm

This was a long tachi blade in its original. And later, it was so much shortened as its original tang is completely filed off. The original blade length might be 80cm or longer.

Steel has large wood grain layer pattern. And it color is very clear.

Hamon is made of small particles and large particles. Its pattern is komidare and kochoji including many kinsuji. The hamon and its activities is almost impossible to take in pictures or draw in sketches. Hamon in kissaki is almost worn out.

Of course, this blade is very worn as the hamon in kissaki is almost worn out. But still, it is a very nice blade with amazing activities. It shows the style of very old blade. It looks like a blade made by smiths in Hoki province in 11th or 12th century, especially the smith "Sanekage". Those old smiths are called "Ko-Hoki" what means "Old-Hoki".
What is more, the polishing is done by Mr. Rinzo Negishi who has polished several swords in the Metropolitan Museum and Boston Museum. His work is the classical style (sashikomi style), and it is quite honest without using any acid or tricks. So you can see the truth of the blade. Unfortunately, such a traditional polishing style became very rare today.
When you study this sword in your hand, you can come into the sword lovers nirvana.


Samples of Ko-Hoki sword, Sanekage and Yasutsuna (Kokaji have studied them several times in his hand.)
Hamon sketches and close-up photos of blade surface (from NBTHK journal)

Of course, those two swords have no hamon in kissaki.



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