For appreciation and study
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Items for sale are in the catalogue


cheap sword3 naked wakizashi blade.
cheap sword2 tanto within mount, "Kanekazu"
cheap sword5 wakizashi in pitiful condition, suitable for amateur polishers.
Tanto "Shinsoku"
Katana, O-suriage (Ko-Hoki)
Broken tip of "Sueyuki" (Ko-Aoe)
Tanto "Kuniyoshi" (Awataguchi)
Wakizashi, O-suriage (Aoe or Nioh)
Wakizashi, O-suriage (Shizu)
Wakizashi, O-suriage (Taema)
Wakizashi, Mumei (Shikkake)
Wakizashi, Mumei, typical "katate-uchi" sword
Wakizashi "Fusamune" (Sagami)
Wakizashi, Mumei (Gassan)
Tanto "Tadamitsu" (Osafune) yoroi-doshi style
Wakizashi "Shigeyuki" (Takada) Shinto
Wakizashi "Masauji" (Nagato) Shinto



Steel tsubas
Old and Simple
Ko-tosho, a wild goose cut out
Ko-katchushi, some cut-out work
Cross and Dragon
Owari, octagon shape
Akasaka, plum tree design
"Umetada Shigenari"
"Yasutsugu", Edo in 18th century
Radiate design, in real fight
Crane design
"Nobuchika", a present tsuba smith



Bamboo & sparrow of yamagane

Japanese pepper tree

Fuchi and Kashira
Fuchi, black copper, with golden gourds design on it. 16c.
Fan in the autumn, Owari style


others3 wakizashi style koshirae.

Chinese blade in Japanese Army sword mount
Shashka, Russian sabre
Macedonian knife from 7th century
Challenging Masamune style
Tanto of worn out (K-un)


Recently produced by us.
Our smith kokaji forged the blades.

1 Tanto in Kanmuri-otoshi-zukuri style
2 Tanto in Kata-kiriha-zukuri style
3 Tachi in Kissaki-moroha-zukuri style
4 Spear in Kikuchi-yari style
5 Tanto in Osoraku zukuri style
6 Tanto in Moroha-zukuri style
7 Tachi with Katana koshirae
8 Spear in Hira-sankaku-zukuri style
9 Tachi in Kissaki-moroha-zukuri style with Tachi koshirae
10 Sabre in Kissaki-moroha-zukuri style
11 Ken tanto size
12 Sample sword to think about steel grain and hamon pattern

Please study the swords of National Treasures of Japan => e-Museum

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